Thursday 8 January 2015

Fear Leads To Anger. Anger Leads To Hate. Hate Leads To Suffering.

Hi there.

This is BC here. Hope you guys are feeling as happy as you can be.

So, today's post is mostly about the three words: Fear, Anger, and Hate. I know a lot of you do fear at least someone in your life. Be it teachers, parents, classmates, schoolmates, bullies, bosses, colleagues, secretaries, etc. Fear can be a good thing, and a bad thing, depending on which side you decide to look at it.

Plato said something that I very much agree with. "We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." How I do interpret it is that children tend to be afraid of darkness. Yes, it is very natural. But the thing is, light brings hope for our life. Our life is given this opportunity to shine with the light that is bestowed upon us. Light and Dark is a balance. There should not be a world of total light or darkness. Anyway, fear can be good as in for example, you get a fierce and strict teacher on the first day of school. It is okay to be frightened of this teacher. But it is not okay to be overly afraid and lose your confidence completely, whine all the way, and think that having this teacher around is the end of your life. It is about your attitude; not the teacher, in this example.

Anger is one of the things that is so common. I mean, who on Earth does not get angry? But the only bad thing is that whenever anger overwhelms you, you might suddenly get into an emotional outburst. This way, you might lose friends easily. Anger can be contained. You can choose to be angry over a small matter, for example,  One Fine Day your friend tells you a joke, and you feel it offends you. You can choose to be
1) Angry. Just scream my lungs out.
2) Laugh and get the best medicine in life.
If you had noticed, all the posts in this blog(Except yesterday's Word of The Day and Quote of the Day) are all asking you to make a choice between Negative Thoughts and Positive thoughts. It is really your choice.

Okay. We have come so far. The worst of the worst- Hate. Hate is a real big subject to talk about. It is a strong feeling that is easy to get.

Will Smith too did say something that I also agree with. (Note: This might be talking about God and other religious stuff. If you are a non-religious person, I suggest you to skip this.)

"Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too."

Hating is even worse than getting angry at someone. Anger can be contained and resolved in a day or two. Hating is a grudge that stays in your heart for many years as long as you stay close to the subject. Hating does do much more damage to the soul than any other thing. It is like pouring boiling water on yourself for a very long time until the boiling water supply gets cut off. My friend did say, "Don't hate! It's Christmas!" (Of course, it was a while back). That's the power of love over hate.

So I have typed a lot today. Hopefully this is useful to all. Remember, Make the Most Out Of Yourself and have a nice day.


  1. But, sometimes, you just can't avoid things. You just can't get along with the person. I agree with you, but I can't do it. Fear is in every part of my life. Anger and Hate too. I can choose to chane my fate, but I've got a feeling that it'll always turn ut the same. I know "If you try, there'll be a result. But if you don't do anything, there'll be no result." But.....seroiusly, I can't bring myself to do it. I'll try it. Friends, please help me to become a better person!!!

    1. All I can say is...

      Do or Do Not. There is no try. You have to either face it or leave it. And small little friendship problems are not considered as fate. Live your life and you will be fine.

    2. Brandon, you do not know my life, ok...I mean, if it was just friendship problems, I'll be fine, but much more has happened besides that.
