Tuesday 13 January 2015


Hi guys. It is BC here.

Today, I will be talking about the topic on over-thinking. Over-thinking is also called analysis paralysis, which means that you think too much over something that has not happened, and you over-analysed the whole situation, without taking a step back to reason things out.

For example, one day you decided to invite a friend to go shopping with you at the nearby mall. Your friend said "No Thank You". Thoughts immediately flash through your mind and you start to think: "Oh No! He might not be my friend anymore!" then you think again, "He might be embarrased as he does not want to go to the mall with me!" then you think some more, "Is he busy? He went with me to the cinema yesterday, and why not to the mall today?" The following day, your friend says "Let's go to the mall and do shopping".

So in the first place, the 'you' in the example did not accept the fact that 'your friend' does not want to go to the mall. Instead, he actually over-thinks stuff when his friend might just be busy on that day.

When people over-think, they look like this:

And they end up pretty much in the 'stressed' emotional state. To summarize, don't think too much. Stay in the "medium" range and you will be perfectly fine.

Remember, Make The Most Out Of Yourself and Have a nice day.

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