Saturday 10 January 2015


Hi guys,

This is BC here. Hope you guys are doing well. (I know this is a late post)

Let me start off by giving two scenarios.

Scenario 1)  Tomorrow is school day. You have to go to school. On the way, you say "Die... Today long day..."

Scenario 2) Tomorrow is school day. You have to go to school. You think school is going to be okay with friends around.

Which do you choose? Friends or Emotions?

One must always have hope for tomorrow. Hope is the thing that provides us with the nutrition to live as a human being. Can you imagine if the world had no hope? You would be thinking RIGHT NOW that you do not want to do anything tomorrow. You do not want to live tomorrow.

Always have hope for anything. Even the small little things. I cannot tell you what "Small" means to you. You got to find it out by yourself, until you had truly understand the meaning of hope and life.

That should be all for today. Remember, Make The Most Out Of Yourself and Have a nice day.

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