Wednesday 7 January 2015

Hmmm... Welcome to 2015!

Hi there!

This is BC Here. Well, you might be thinking...

What is all this?
Ok... If you are kidding me, stop it.! WHAT.

No, No, No. Not that! You can just brighten up for today! Just think about it... If you are a student sitting at a desk, moaning away how life in school is like SO BAD... There is always a brighter side of things! A Different Window...

Today, just read this, and take everything simply. Ok, Teachers Scolding, Bosses Yelling, Classmates Screaming, Colleagues Bellowing. Other than that, life IS Simple.

When There Is Darkness, There Would Be Light. When There Is Grief, There Would Be Happiness.

Negative Thought     ------->      Positive Thought

That should be all for today. Have a nice day everyone, and make a difference in your life.

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